US-Counties with a (2-dose-)vaccination rate of 60% had 40% fewer cases
and 65% fewer deaths
in this delta-wave than Counties with a vaccination rate of 30% correlate by -0.17 and deaths by -0.42 with vaccinationrate deaths in USA in this wave so far
I estimate it would have been 250000-400000 without vaccination
and 50000-70000 with Vermont-like vaccination everywhere
going from 40% fully vaxed to 50% fully vaxed gave a reduction in 18% of cases
and 35% of deaths in this wave for an average US-County.
Or (fully) vaxing 700 US people saved one life in this wave
-------------------update 2021-11-10--------------------
00 , 877 , 977 , 299 (no data)
10 , 771 , 929 , 164
20 , 624 , 746 , 250
30 , 644 , 773 , 785
40 , 484 , 609 , 821
50 , 306 , 403 , 531
60 , 188 , 244 , 200
70 , 229 , 258 , 78
80 , 320 , 360 , 6
90 , 75 , 140 , 2
100 , 350 , 518 , 1
110 , 183 , 275 , 1
A , B , C , D
% fully vaccinated (doses per 100 / 2)
B average deaths per million, Jul-Oct
C average deaths per million Jul-Nov10
D : number of Counties
<40% : 657(1199) , 789(1199) 20%
40%-60% : 414(1352) , 528(1352) 28% -37% -33%
>60% : 202( 288) , 251( 288) 24% -51% -52%